Succession refers to the process of one thing or event following another in a particular order or sequence. It is the concept of a series of things occurring or being arranged in a certain way, usually with a sense of progression or continuity. In other words, it is the idea of things happening in a specific order or ordningsföljd. For example, in biology, succession can refer to the predictable and orderly process of ecological change in a particular habitat over time. In this context, different species replace each other in a characteristic ordningsföljd as the environment undergoes various changes. In a social or political context, succession can refer to the transfer of power or leadership from one person to another, according to established rules or traditions. This can include the succession of monarchs, presidents, or other leaders in a specific ordningsföljd. Overall, the concept of succession highlights the notion of order and the idea that events or entities follow one another in a particular sequence or ordningsföljd.
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